Tumble Town
GymnasticsPee-Wee GymnasticsSave $5.00
every month
when you sign
up for direct
debit!Text Box: Tumble Town Gymnastics Coupon!Peewee GymnasticsPeewee 4-6 Year Olds
Sep-Jun 2024-25 Class OfferingsTuesday 5:30-6:30 PM
Thursday 4:30-5:30 PM
Saturday 9:30-10:30 AMJul-Aug 2024 Class OfferingsTuesday 5:30-6:30 PMSummer Classes
Are Free With
Summer Camp
Enrollment!The Peewee Gymnastics
Program is designed for girls
ages three up
through kindergarten age.Our safety oriented gymnastics
instruction includes tumbling,
trampoline, uneven bars,
balance beam and vaulting
maneuvers, just like the big
kids do!At the end of June we provide
a huge, themed, end-of-year
gym show, where every student
will have the opportunity to
perform routines to show off
what they have learned all year!Ages 4 to 6 years
(up through kindergarten)
$100 per month 1 class per week
50% discount for additional classes
50% discount for additional siblingsOffer valid for new customers only.
This coupon must be presented.
HURRY!  Offer expires September 30th, 2024!$10.00 OFF 2024-25 REGISTRATION FEEPeewee 3-4 Year Olds
Sep-Jun 2024-25 Class OfferingsAges 3-4 years
(up through kindergarten)
$75 per month 1 class per week
50% discount for additional classes
50% discount for additional siblingsMonday 3:45-4:30 PM
Friday 3:45-4:30 PM